Hard to know
- Svårt att veta:
People, my friends talk that, able to get this information, about what
you done with, healt and your body?
Your freedom. Give you more soon! If interests, try me downstairs!
Är ni svensktalande vänner väl medvetna om vad ni gör/gjort
med er kropp och hälsa?
Din val!
I will tell my info and thoughts in English!
Unsuitable for your and especially your children's bodies are all endlessly
around us. Unfortunately, perhaps mostly in your own kitchen/home. So
already when the child starts school, he has accumulated a lot of toxins
and heavy metals that the body does not feel good about! Are you understood?
Can you do something about it? Yes - awareness - avoid - treat with
healthy measures.
How will I come back to in the future!
bäret |
Bosta din kropp
Havey Metal
- Tunga metaller
Total power over society - Total makt över samhället
Gates' wife at the time, came to the lawyer, and asked for a divorce,
after 27 years of marriage.
- What is the reason?
- He has such a small one.
- Did you just discover it now?
- No, but have constantly promised me an update.
The story is
made up of everything that has to do with Windows' constant updates,
caused by a prematurely released Win95, a version that subordinate programs
didn't know about before they sent out their editions that were based
on an earlier Bill Gates edition Win95. Security has never caught up.
Bugs have remained! We users are both deceived and prisoners of the
Once upon a time, Bill Gates expressed that he would take control of
the entire internet and the world. A fact today is that he has done
so! But it is not only about the internet. Even worse is that he is
trying to control how our bodies will be destroyed by his money, because
it puts money in the wallet when everyone is forced to take his induced
vaccines. Are you following the development, seeing all the risks and
consequences? Are you checking what serious side effects they cause?
Do you have any problems that appear in the lists of conscription we
have received so far. These will probably be stopped by the WHO, which
wants to take over power over states and humanity.
What do you know about heavy metals? Mercury in various medicines. Countries
have banned it in dental fillings. But you can have it directly injected
into your body as a child!
suffered Norge (and Scandinavia etc.) by
Swine Flu. Active in getting residents to pay for a
vaccine injection was the then Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg! The
state had to bear the largest cost. On the page http://vaksineaksjon.no
you can read about the tours where Norwegian authorities have been involved.
Unfortunately it is in Norwegian, Chrome and computer can translate.
Get a picture of how we have been tricked into putting mercury into
our bodies. That it has caused deaths, even among children.
I haven't had a single vaccine since I did my military service. My father
refused to allow the doctor to give the smallpox vaccine. But I didn't
escape that in the military. Out into the woods with the 3rd company
in the evening. We were ordered to a forest fire in Järlåsa
Uppland. Located at F16 Uppsala. The fever rose and our sergeant got
lost with us. Despite my condition and the little shit I was at the
time, I took command together with another private and led us straight
to the waiting bus. At the morning assembly, the Captain said that he
didn't want to see any sick leave, if so, we would get a reward for
a job well done. I went up to the sick bay anyway. I had a 40° C
fever. So I had to rest there for a while and then go home to the barracks
and the hatch to rest for a couple of days. During the calmette vaccination,
the nurse had managed to stick the syringe in the shoulder blade, so
hard that the doctor had to rush in and remove it. I've created some
resistance. Also a feeling that I shouldn't have. Circumstances often
tell! Otherwise I wouldn't have sat here but lay 7 feet down.
What is it that makes Bill Gates run this insane race. Money, money,
money, which he already has more of than he can finish! What does that
indicate? I don't want to put my thoughts on paper in that case! You
have to understand that yourself! What strings has he pulled when it
comes to these puppets?
politicians are more interested in money than in humanity today. We
see that every day. We also see that civil servants are following in
the same footsteps. There is no doubt that research is both dependent
on money and loves it. This means that we are all puppets for those
who have power over money. If you then have other power in your organization,
you hold the strings and make any moves you want.!
we recognize it in our everyday lives?
If you want to know
more about heavy metals and what you can do to remove them from your
body, I have some contacts who can give you the opportunity..
you think you need to cleanse your body of toxins and heavy metals?
The Norwegians are a little ahead of us. Maybe it has to do with the
fact that their City Minister Jens
Stoltenberg during his time in government was involved in promoting
his swine flu vaccine through his relatives, who backed him and commissioned
the Norwegian state to pay for the poison that was distributed. In the
form of injections. I have contact with three companies that sell products
that cleanse our body.
07 03
If you are not a Swede or European I have more than one opportunity!
Try me!
daily thoughts and impressions in Swedish (uttryck
- jävla
skit) www.fotord.com/sist
Involvement in secondary
primary school students' future (at Swedish modell)
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